IT and SaaS


Creating a new brand identity and website to support rapid growth for leading Kent-based managed IT services provider.

How do you attract better clients – with bigger budgets – in an increasingly crowded marketplace?

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What we did


Heliocentrix has been providing premium managed IT services to its SME customers since it was started by Founder and Managing Director John Speed in 2008. From its base near Tonbridge in Kent, the business has enjoyed steady growth year-on-year, and then in 2020-2021 saw rapid expansion.

But John was starting to see a problem.

The hard work he’d put in over the years to get himself and his company recognised wasn’t sustainable – and it was getting harder and harder to attract the type of clients who would enable the business to really flourish.

The current marketing activity was increasing the number of enquiries, but too many of them were now the wrong type.

John realised if he was to achieve the growth he wanted, he needed to set up a marketing strategy that would attract profitable, good-fit clients but wasn’t so reliant on him.

Heliocentrix brand guidelines


Heliocentrix has a different way of delivering IT that sets them apart from most of its competitors. Its commercial nouse means customers get a strategic approach to their problem, not just someone who’ll sell them a machine in a box.

But this wasn’t coming across in how they presented themselves, so they weren’t standing out.

We began by working closely with John and his team to define their brand strategy; what they do best, who they do it for, and why customers value it so much.

We then developed the brand identity to reflect and portray this brand positioning. Elements of the existing brand were redesigned and updated to create a cleaner, more positive brand that would appeal to the target audience. The colour palette was updated to be fresher and brighter and a new descriptor was created to make it clearer what Heliocentrix does.

The new brand identity was then applied across all marketing touchpoints, including a complete redesign and development of the website.

The new site was rebuilt from the ground up, with a revised structure and completely new copy, written to improve conversion rates and for maximum search visibility. Using a new set of customer Personas, we carried out a content audit and reviewed the existing user journeys – i.e. what customers want to find out and how they’ll move through different pages to find it.

Prospective clients can now find all the information they need, in the right place and understand immediately what Heliocentrix stands for and what makes them different.

Example of Heliocentrix brand guidelines in use in their stationery


Rebranding has successfully positioned Heliocentrix as a confident, consultative expert supplier, that understands the commercial side of business and how technology can help its clients’ businesses grow.

This makes them stand out in a very crowded marketplace.

Founder and MD John Speed has seen the positive effects of the rebrand already;

“Although I wasn’t expecting this to change our fortunes overnight, the early signs are just what I was hoping for, with lots of positive comments and feedback from clients.

But the main change we’ve seen straight away is how it’s focused and energised the team. It might seem silly, but having new branded clothing and a new website we’re really proud of has lifted everyone.

Tomango have done a brilliant job and the whole process has run smoothly from start to finish. I’m completely confident that investing in our brand will have the result we’re looking for. This was a good investment to make.”

Heliocentrix website screenshots
I’m very happy with how we’re presenting ourselves now and feel like our brand gives us the perfect platform to build on so the business can continue to grow.John Speed, Managing Director

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