Here’s a couple of great stories about stupidity… and discovery.
First of all…
The first story concerns a friend who’s a GP.
One day a few years ago, a middle-aged woman turned up at her surgery feeling lousy. She had no energy, bad headaches and her limbs were aching.
She was convinced she had Lyme disease and proceeded to instruct the doctor to prescribe her the antibiotic amoxicillin.
Of course, my doctor friend insisted on a proper consultation and suspected the lady probably just had flu. Even after establishing the lady couldn’t possibly have been exposed to ticks, and getting test results back from the lab, she took some convincing that all she needed was to rest up for a few days.
She was right as rain in a week.

Our second tale
Our second story is told by another friend of mine, who’s an extremely good (and very experienced) builder.
He was asked to provide a quote for someone who wanted some cracks in their kitchen wall to be filled in before it was repainted. The cracks were quite wide, and he’d spotted a large willow tree growing near the house, but the house owner didn’t want listen to him when he said he thought there might be a problem with subsidence that was causing the cracks.
My friend said he wasn’t prepared to just patch up the cracks – that would be a bodge job – so the homeowner got someone else to do it. The next summer he had to have the whole of the back of the house underpinned, at a cost of about £15,000.
Now, you might read these two stories and think these people are stupid – and frankly they are.
You wouldn’t go to the doctor, or a lawyer, or any other expert, and tell them what they should do to help you, would you?
No, you’d expect them to diagnose or consider your problem and suggest the best course of action. And if necessary, you’d expect them to take the required time to look into it, run tests, and consider the options before making their recommendation.
The process of Discovery
You might get in touch with us to talk about a new website, because – in all good faith – that’s what you think you need.
But it might not be.
When we take the time to take a few steps back and look at your business as a whole, we get the complete picture. We understand where you want to get to. It’s then – and only then – that we can make the proper recommendations.

And they might be different to what you were expecting.
Recently, a prospect came to us because they wanted a fancy new website. Lots of bells and whistles.
But once we got talking to them about why they thought they wanted a website, we discovered there were some other things they needed to sort out as well, otherwise, the investment in a website like that would have been wasted.
We went through our Discovery process, and ended up recommending that they invest in sorting out their brand identity and go for a simpler website, for the same budget they were going to spend on the fancy site.
The result was they were much better positioned to attract the type of customers they wanted and could charge them the right price.
So if you’re planning on getting a new website, or rebranding, or want to improve your digital marketing, make sure you’re looking at the whole picture, and not just one piece of the puzzle.
Book a Discovery session
And if you need some expert help looking at the bigger picture, why not get in touch and book yourself on a Discovery session?